NEF funding is currently obtainable from the following funds Alternative Energy Solutions FundingAs South Africa strives to reduce the impact of loadshedding, the dtic and the NEF have established the Alternative Energy Fund to help black business install green energy solutions. Women Empowerment Fund The NEF Women Empowerment Fund is aimed at accelerating the provision of funding to businesses owned by black women. iMbewu FundThis Fund is designed to support black entrepreneurs wishing to start new businesses as well support existing black-owned enterprises with expansion capital. uMnotho FundThis Fund is designed to improve access to BEE capital and has five products: Acquisition Finance, Project Finance, Expansion Finance, Capital Markets Fund, and Liquidity and Warehousing. Rural, Township & Community Development FundRural, Township, and Community Development Fund was designed to promote sustainable change in social and economic relations and support the goals of growth and development in the rural economy, through financing of sustainable enterprises. Strategic Projects FundSPF’s sector focus is informed by the government’s strategies on industrial development through the dtic’s National Industrial Policy Framework, the corresponding Industrial Policy Action Plans [IPAP] as well as the current government economic growth strategy, the New Growth Path. Arts & Culture Venture Capital FundThe Venture Capital Fund for the Arts and Culture was designed to promote and develop the arts and culture sector by providing affordable loans to start and/or expand small businesses. Tourism Transformation FundThe Fund aims to drive transformation in the tourism sector in a more direct and impactful manner that will not only assist black-owned tourism enterprises to expand and grow, but also catalyse the rise of a new generation of black owned youth, women and community owned tourism enterprises to take the tourism sector to new heights. Furniture Fund The Furniture Fund, a R50-million initiative approved by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (dtic), was entrusted to the National Empowerment Fund (NEF) to stimulate growth in South Africa’s furniture sector. Recognized as a labour-intensive industry with significant potential to create jobs and reduce reliance on imports, the furniture sector plays a vital role in the country’s economy. Bakubung FundThe NEF/BPM Enterprise and Supplier Development Fund is a funding partnership between Bakubung Platinum Mine and the National Empowerment Fund (NEF) valued at a total R3 000 000 for the benefit of businesses located in Ledig, Mahobieskraal and Phatsima villages in the North West province.