Trade and Industry Budget Vote Speech 2012/13, INFO.GOV.ZA
Info.gov.za – South African Government
Trade and Industry Budget Vote Speech 2012/13 by Deputy Minister Elizabeth Thabethe,
Old Assembly Chamber, Parliament, Cape Town
18 May 2012
Honourable Speaker;
Members of the National Assembly;
MEC’s and Heads of Departments;
Officials of the Department Trade and Industry (dtic) and Council of Trade and
Industry Institutions (COTII);
Leaders of Organised Business and Labour;
Distinguished guests;
Ladies and gentlemen.
The economic success and sustenance of many economies is anchored around increased participation of Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMME) in the mainstream economy. SMMEs are principal driving forces of economic growth and development.
As the African National Congress (ANC)-led government we are resolute in increasing the uptake of SMMEs, as their dynamism and the ability to innovate will assist us in creating the much-needed jobs in our economy. They are critical in generating employment, and they also help diversify economic activity and make a significant contribution to exports and trade.
This budget vote takes place at a time when we are in our mid-term. This mid-term is characterised by both successes and systemic challenges that are a legacy of our past – in particular the apartheid space economy. This legacy continue to manifest itself as many SMMEs are not connected to the mainstream economy and this remains a challenge to government’s efforts of creating interconnectedness business activities and that will usher in the creation of value-chains across sectors.
The creation of value-chains across sectors is critical as it connects SMMEs and big corporations in the production of a plethora of goods and services. This is the revolution that we are leading as the Department of Trade and Industry (DTIC). As we are conscious that SMME’s are a vehicle of ensuring economic inclusivity and increased participation by South Africans in the mainstream economy.
Ladies and gentlemen, the primary agenda of any country that is geared towards developmentalism such as South Africa, is the creation of a vibrant private sector, the development of entrepreneurship and creation of small and medium-sized enterprises. SMMEs stimulate private ownership and entrepreneurial skills, they are flexible and can adapt quickly to changing market demand and supply situations.