Taming a male-driven industry, OPPORTUNITY
Taming a male-driven industry, OPPORTUNITY
Many however agree that there is still a lot of work to be done to put women in their rightful place as equal and true torchbearers in society Florence Masusndwa, Managing Director and Founder of Women Economic Forum, launched the platform in 2013 with the vision to connect women entrepreneurs to a group of developmental financiers and investors. Over the past year the forum has successfully worked in entrepreneurial development initiatives in manufacturing, ICT and especially in transport. In an exclusive with Opportunity, she sheds light on the position of women in the transport industry How will more women in transport and logistics change the landscape? Women in the sector will change the landscape by playing to the strength of being a woman in the sector. Many women have the innate ability to manage a business. Women are reliable in operating and making profitable business. The characteristics of women have intrinsic skills that need to be worked more on. Women have to channel the thinking towards their natural ability to nurture business and have to stop wanting to compete with men. Yes, the transport sector is a male dominated industry, but women too can operate in the sector once they stop competing with men and start using their innate given female abilities.