Rethink your criticism of Khanyi Dhlomo and the NEF, Leader.co.za – Leader
Rethink your criticism of Khanyi Dhlomo and the NEF, Leader.co.za – Leader
I have been intrigued by the explosion of vitriol caused by the National Empowerment Fund (NEF), who gave money to Khanyi Dhlomo and her partners to launch the Luminance luxury goods store in Hyde Park. The argument is that the NEF should not be giving money to “successful” people to sell high-end goods and services.
Would it make a difference if she were selling baskets on the side of the road? Would that be a smarter use of the NEF money because the entrepreneur is more “deserving”?
South Africans wouldn’t recognise true entrepreneurship if it hit us in the face with a hammer. We are obsessed with supporting survival entrepreneurs and we aim for a “feel good” factor rather than trying to invest in businesses that can grow.