Renewal Programme Launch, LINK2MEDIA.CO.ZA
Link2media.co.za – Link 2 Media
Issued by: Department of Transport
Attention: News Editors
Our transport goal is about promoting public transport over private car use. Transport policy also seeks to reduce the costs of transport for poor and middle-income households, with the poor still carrying the burden of an iNEFficient transport system, rooted in the geography of apartheid, where the majority continues to live far from places of work.
I am satisfied that Government, through the Integrated Rapid Public Transport Networks (IRPTNs), has developed concrete plans for each of our major cities, and has started implementing strategies that will ensure that we deliver integrated quality public transport in the key cities of our country by 2015.
The majority of our people do not have access to a private car, and it is important for Government to invest in a more reliable, affordable and safe public transport for all our citizens. I have followed the debate about the tolling of roads. I know that people are used to the comfort of their vehicles, however, this is no longer sustainable for our cities and economy. We have to find sustainable transport solutions of the modern period. It is unfortunate that the information we hear and read in the media is simply not assisting to inform and educate the public about what is at stake, and what better alternatives are available to them.