Paving the way in quantity surveying, The New Age
Paving the way in quantity surveying, The New Age
Determined to succeed in a sector few black entrepreneurs are found, Mandla Mlangeni Quantity Surveyors could be a game-changer WITH a major boost from the National Empowerment Fund (NEF), Mandla Mlangeni Quantity Surveyors (MMQS) is set to make waves in a sector that remains out of reach for black entrepreneurs. Both the NEF and MMQS say more needs to be done to open up opportunities for entrepreneurs in the field of quantity surveying. With the continued roll out of a massive infrastructure development by the state and related institutions, QS opportunities abound. “Unless there is an active effort by the public sector to support black-owned businesses, as black entrepreneurs and professionals, we are likely to continue to see a minority owning the majority of economic assets, a fundamental hurdle to black economic emancipation,” MMQS founder Mlangeni said.