One stop portal for keen young guns, 23 Oct 2016 – City Press (First Edition), Business and Tenders,
One stop portal for keen young guns, 23 Oct 2016 – City Press (First Edition), Business and Tenders,
There are three pillars to #SAUnder36, the online youth platform spearheaded by the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC). It serves as a onestop shop for young people seeking opportunities to enter the formal economy. Mandla Mpangase, IDC public relations manager and the brains behind #SAUnder36, presented the initiative to delegates attending the National Youth Entrepreneurship Conference, held this week at Gallagher Estate in Midrand in Johannesburg. Young people who are keen to start businesses, but do not know where to go for advice, can register on the #SAUnder36 web portal at saunder36.co.za. The first pillar to the portal.comprises one of the most innovative online assistance tools, called “Ideas Check”.