Lotteries application process to be most scrutinised yet, Sanews.gov.za – South African Government News Agency
Lotteries application process to be most scrutinised yet, Sanews.gov.za – South African Government News Agency
Cape Town – The application process for the R40 billion third lottery operating licence will be the most scrutinised yet, the Minister of Trade and Industry Rob Davies said today.
“We want to make sure we have an uninterrupted transition, that’s what we’re saying. So that means we have to be very very careful that at every step along the way we act very strictly according to the act so that we are not vulnerable to all litigious processes afterwards,” he said.
Davies last week gazetted a Request for Proposals for the third lottery license, which will run for a period of seven years.
Requests for Proposal will close on November 30, with winning bid to be announced in August next year.