Loans to grow businesses, WITNESS
WITNESS, Business Page 14
FINANCE SEMINAR; Entrepreneurs learn of alternative finance offers ALTHOUGH many entrepreneurs make do with self-funding in the startup phase of their business ventures, few are able to survive, thrive and grow in their businesses without access to finance from banks and other financial institutions. In the case of local businesses, many entrepreneurs who attended a recent seminar on access to finance and business support hosted by the Absa/Pietermaritzburg Chamber of Business (PCB) Small, Medium and Micro Enterprise (SMME) Desk plan to expand their business. This is clearly a good sign for the future growth of the local economy. The majority of businesses were desperate to learn the ins and outs of access to finance. The event, which was organised by the Desk’s manager Noluthando Ndlovu, was a major success. More than 100 budding and established business owners attended the session, which boasted presentations by ten key institutions: Standard Bank Ab s a Small Enterprise Development Agency (Seda) Ithala National Empowerment Fund (NEF) Business Partners Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) Productivity SA Department of Economic Development & Tourism Department of Trade & Industry (DTIC).