Funding your start-up business through property refinancing, Smesouthafrica.co.za – SME South Africa
Funding your start-up business through property refinancing, Smesouthafrica.co.za – SME South Africa
Entrepreneurs struggling to get funding for their business should look to their property for a solution, writes Lesiba Mooka
If you ask any aspiring entrepreneur what their biggest challenge is, the vast majority will tell you that it is raising start-up capital. Although there are a number of funding options available, most start-up businesses are still struggling to access these funds.
The problem is not that there is no money in South Africa; the problem, however, is that the money is not easily accessible to many small business start-ups. We have institutions such as the NYDA, the Khula Enterprise Finance and the National Empowerment Fund, just to name a few. Yet accessing funds remains a major obstacle that small business owners have to overcome.