Durban women in line for award, MERCURY
MERCURY, Network Page 3
URBAN has two leading businesswomen – Pria Hassan and Margaret Hirsch- as finalists in the Businesswomen's Association of SAs influential 2012 Businesswoman of the Year Award. Hassan is the CEO of Women Of Africa Investments, while Hirsch is chief operating officer of Hirsch's Homestores. They make up two of the three finalists in the entrepreneur category, alongside Johanna Mukoki, the managing director and joint founder of Travel With Flair. The finalists in the corporate category include Aegis Media SSA CEO Dawn Rowlands, Aveng Manufacturing marketing director Mapule Mphaki, ABN Group managing director Roberta Naidoo and port manager of the Port of East London (Transnet National Ports Authority) Jacqueline Brown. Now in its 33rd year, the Businesswoman of the Year Award is the longest-running award for women in business in the country and has become a high-profile event on the SA business calendar. Independent judges have chosen the finalists from a diverse range of industries, four in the corporate category and three in the entrepreneurial category. Apart from their leadership qualities and contributions to the well-being of the economy, other criteria include being a SA resident and/or citizen who conducts business in SA, working for their current organisation for a minimum of three years but not necessarily in the same position as well as managing a budget of R75 million or more in the corporate category and a budget of R35m or more in the entrepreneurial category.