Development finance and SMME support, LIMPOPO BUSINESS
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The Small Enterprise Development Agency (Seda) has initiated a national programme designed to make co-operatives and jointly owned enterprises stronger. The agency is supporting a project in Tarentaal in Limpopo whereby the Cooperatives and Community Public Private Partnership (CPPP) Programme will help small businesses identify markets and resources and assist in technical aspects and training. The four key sectors being targeted are: agri-processing, community tourism and protected areas, mining and mineral beneficiation, and trading. According to research done by Absa, SMMEs were supporting 60% of the country’s employable population in 2011, against a figure of just 18% in 1998. Seda is a subsidiary of the National Department of Trade and Industy (the dtic) and is one of the most active agencies in supporting entrepreneurs. Seda does Seda has launched a co-operatives programme. Absa has 11 enterprise development centres around SA. The Limpopo Provincial Government is developing an integrated cooperative support plan. MAJOR COMPANIES Seda National Empowerment Fund Industrial Development Corporation Khula Anglo American Zimele Absa not provide financing directly, but assists SMMEs in getting financial help, as well as providing advice in the drafting of business plans, marketing strategies and in skills training.
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