Black business in spat over Zuma 16 Sep 2016 – Mail & Guardian, Business,Matuma Letsoalo & Lisa Steyn
Black business in spat over Zuma 16 Sep 2016 – Mail & Guardian, Business,Matuma Letsoalo & Lisa Steyn
Some Black Business Council affiliates are miffed about its public show of support for the president The stance of the Black Business Council (BBC) that President Jacob Zuma should finish his term in office has divided the organisation, with two of its key affiliates accusing its office bearers of having taken a unilateral decision on the matter. The Black Management Forum (BMF) and the Black Business Council in the Built Environment (BBCBE) told the Mail & Guardian this week they have written to the confederation's leaders, demanding clarity on its decision to support Zuma publicly without first canvassing the views of its 41 affiliates. The BBC's decision was sparked by AngloGold Ashanti chairperson Sipho Pityana urging business organisations to take a stand on the shortcomings of government leadership.