Bell delivers seven Graders to Mbombela Municipality,ENGINEERINGNEWS.CO.ZA
Engineeringnews.co.za – Engineering News
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‘Funeral roads’ is what they used to call them, roads that were only graded when a funeral was about to take place in a certain area. These words were spoken by the Executive Mayor of the Mbombela Local Municipality, Councillor Cathy Dlamini during a memorable occasion on the outskirts of the capital of Mpumalanga province.
The occasion was the handing-over of seven Bell 670G Graders to the Municipality and the Mayor referred to the habit of only grading gravel roads in the rural areas when the need arose, such as that of a funeral, when many vehicles and pedestrians would be using the roads.
“I want to make it clear that the Mbombela Municipality had taken a conscious decision not to outsource our maintenance services which look after roads, storm-water drains and the like,” she added. “That is why we invested in these seven Bell Graders to ensure that our commitment to service delivery is a reality.”