51 Insedlu Business Companion: One Stop Business Management Consulting Firm, Mypr.co.za – My PR
51 Insedlu Business Companion: One Stop Business Management Consulting Firm, Mypr.co.za – My PR
Insedlu Business Companion is a “Cream of the Crop” business management consulting firm located in Johannesburg, South Africa which works in fields like New Business Development and Growth, Accounting, Business Turnaround, Local Economic Development, Project Management, Research and Training.
The main vision of the company is to be a blue-chip South African grown management consulting firm renowned for deep seated innovation with the mission to elevate the management consulting fraternity in South Africa to meta-levels through efficient use of technology, people, systems and innovation. The strength of the firm rests in innovation and efficiency and its clientele ranges from SMME’s and Cooperatives to Corporates and Municipalities.