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Namibian Government Delegation Visits The NEF

On Thursday, 03 August, the National Empowerment Fund (NEF) hosted a Namibian Government delegation visiting South Africa to benchmark their Economic Empowerment Framework against South Africa’s implementation of its Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) policy and legislation. The NEF, as…

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Integrated Report 2016/17

South Africa’s promotion of a higher level of more inclusive economic growth must involve intensifying efforts to promote Radical Economic Transformation in two inextricably linked dimensions. First, it must involve redoubling our efforts to fundamentally change the colonially defined structure…

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2016 Annual Report

Contents Foreword by the Hon. Minister of Trade and Industry About this Report Performance Highlights About the NEF How the NEF Creates Value Stakeholder Engagement Enterprise-Wide Risk Management Overview of the Economic Environment Report of the Chairman Report of the…

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