Development finance and SMME support, LIMPOPO BUSINESS
Limpopo is a prioritg region for the those investing in SMME support in the country.
Mining and energy investments in the western and eastern regions of Limpopo Province are bringing many new peopLe into these areas. Apart from driving up saLe and rentaL prices for property, this demographic shift is providing opportunities for the emerging business sector, particuLarLy in the service industry. The city of PoLokwane was South Africa's fastest-growing urban area between 2005 and 2010, with a growth rate that was better than 5%. The South African Cities Network study that came to this concLusion aLso noted that further research was needed to estabLish the reasons, but a growing economy is a good incubator for entrepreneurship. According to research done by Absa, SMMEs were supporting 60% of the country's empLoyabLe popuLation in 2011, against a figure of just 18% in 1998.