Having worked in financial institutions for most of her adult life, Mandisa took the plunge when she opened Karoo Cattle and Land, her own restaurant. She grew up in the rural Eastern Cape in a home where whatever was put on the table had been grown by the family, and so her respect for food developed. After years in the corporate world, Mandisa felt the need to pursue her passion. “It feels like a long journey from being a corporate girl in stilettos to wearing my Froggies,” she quips. But her energy and determination to learn have helped her succeed. The process of starting the restaurant was not an easy one; finding collateral was tough. Her lack of experience and knowledge on how to run the business and raise money, proved challenging, but she had a lot of support. “My family and friends all assisted me,” Mandisa explains. Owning a restaurant demands a great deal of commitment. “I have to be there on a daily basis.”