Nyonende Poultry Cooperative t/a Nyonende Investments (PTY) LTD (R9.6 million)
Nyonende Poultry Cooperative based in Kwa Zulu Natal is a 100% black owned and who’s business is that of a Poultry Hatchery.
The entity hatches eggs commercially for National Chicks, under a term contract, the facility was financed by the NEF for R9.6 million. The NEF came in to acquire the farm and its assets on behalf of the Cooperative.
The project will save 18 existing jobs, create 17 new jobs directly and many more downstream, the NEF funding will assist in the transformation of an industry dominated by large, vertically integrated, white-controlled, listed groups and finally women empowerment will be achieved through an effective 40% black female shareholding.