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Life to Date Performance Milestones (24 July 2024)


1 Approvals Approved 1 621 transactions worth more than R14.52 billion across the country.
2 Disbursement

Over R10.02 billion has been disbursed to these companies since inception.

3 Collections

Over R5.5 billion has been repaid by investees.

4 Integrity Secured clean external audit opinions for 20 years running.
5 Supporting jobs Since inception, the number of job opportunities supported is 125 810 of which 76 362 were  new.
6 Industrialisation
  • 24 strategic and industrial projects worth R12.6 billion, with the potential to support over 52 000 jobs. 87% of the transactions are at an advanced development stage
  • Since inception 3 600 job opportunities have been created
7 A culture of savings & investments In a transaction worth over R1 billion the NEF Asonge Share Scheme made available more than 12 million MTN shares to over 87 000 investors comprising black individuals and groups.  49% of investors were women.
8 Investor education Reached 9 942 299 people in villages and townships through 803 community seminars on how to save and invest, personal financial discipline, shares, dividends, bonds, the property and money markets.
9 Entrepreneurship training / incubation Business skills training provided over 8 023 potential entrepreneurs who attended 1 134 seminars from 2012 to date.
10 National footprint Approximately 72% of the number (76% by value) of approved transactions emanated from the regional offices and Pre-Investment Unit.
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